Airplane wing over ocean and island

Why You Should Leave Your Country

Why you should leave your country, at least once… To gain perspective. Cultural Differences I sit on a flight returning from another out-of-country experience and realize that foreign travel is not only exciting and amazing (and tricky, at times), but it offers a perspective unlike any other. Cultures are different. Languages are different. Food is …


What If I Die?

A conversation about scuba diving, usually leads to discussion about big scary sharks, too much equipment, claustrophobia, great food, beautiful islands and sometimes, the dark subject of death. It’s then time to break out the Google machine and see what kind of statistics we get, comparing the numbers of death by interesting match ups like great white …


Dreaming Reality

It was a dream of my mother’s to make it across the big blue ocean to see what lies on the other side, “one day”. At 70 years of age, she still had not created an opportunity to go on her own and I believe, had given up the dream.  She ran a business for over …

salty fish

The Salty Fish

Sea salt. Surely this is one of the great gifts of the ocean, including salt scrubs, healing salts, salts for bathing and of course, great diving (like the Salt Pier).  Salt goes on everything from simple egg breakfasts to the the most complicated culinary experiences. But isn’t it ironic, that when ordering seafood, especially fish, nearly …