SCUBA Diving Fairy

Scuba Diving Fairy

For many of the lucky ones, there is a time in our lives where we are presented with the opportunity to take our very first SCUBA diving class.  For many, the adventure produces a few more snorkelers than divers.  For some, the adventure ends after the first open water certification.  For others, it takes longer for the …

red sea slug nudebranch

Red Sea Slug Nudibranch

What is exactly is a Nudibranch? Wikipedia says: A soft-bodied mollusk. I like to think of “Nudibranch” as a common term that SCUBA divers throw around on land because the hand signals for such a creature are virtually non-existent. There are several thousand different Nudibranchs that live in the oceans, deep to shallow, cold to …

Yellowhead Jawfish

The Yellowhead Jawfish

The Yellowheaded Jawfish is somewhat of a shy creature, elusive of divers, and especially photographers. But sometimes, if you hang out long enough…you can catch a glimpse of these remarkable tiny creatures. The males actually store the eggs of the young inside of their mouth. On occasion, you can see a pair of Jawfish and …