May Aurora Res Dive: Airplane?

Where’s the airplane?  Wasn’t there a Cessna 310 in Aurora Reservoir, last year?  We’re pretty sure, since we filmed it last fall. 6 divers circling search patterns was an entertaining site to see… dropping in on the wrong buoy. Or was it? The Scuba Rumor Mill The buoy that marked the airplane was no longer there …

Group of People

The Camera Guy

There he is. The “camera guy”. It seems there is one on every boat. You can recognize him as he’ll be the one geared up like he’s going to battle, his camera bouncing around inside the rinse bucket as the boat sweeps divers off to the next site. Then later, the camera will be strapped …

Yellowhead Jawfish

The Yellowhead Jawfish

The Yellowheaded Jawfish is somewhat of a shy creature, elusive of divers, and especially photographers. But sometimes, if you hang out long enough…you can catch a glimpse of these remarkable tiny creatures. The males actually store the eggs of the young inside of their mouth. On occasion, you can see a pair of Jawfish and …