Octopus Tango on the Rocks

Night diving is always an adventure! On occasion, we get to hang out with a Caribbean Reef Octopus. These creative Cephlapods can transform their bodies into all shapes as the scurry along the reef.  The chromataphores allow the octopus to change color and blend in with their environment.  Many will even “flash” color as they …

Pro Tips for Scuba Divers

What You Will Learn This Pro Tips for Scuba divers video covers important topics for certified scuba divers. You may learn more on simple topics of: perfect buoyancy techniques scuba diving accessories underwater video camera tips and more! Watch to the end of the video to learn what to do if you are caught in …

no, we weren't hacked, we just tried science.

Sticking it to the Man Part II

We posted a few things about social behaviors online and what gets “clicks” in “Sticking it to the Man” a few days ago. Our summary is  “the sum of all men”. See what we mean below: Video Findings Here are some new and interesting findings from others online who have joined our merry band of social …

sharks, horror, chupacabras

Sticking it to the Man

Though worldly, we are small and take time to enjoy and educate ourselves on the sites we see. According to the new YouTube standards, the DiveDoggie brand just isn’t up to snuff when it comes to clicks and subscribers.    We get it, but it does shed light on some interesting social behaviors. And since …

The Elusive Mantis Shrimp II

Here We Go Again… 3 years after our first sighting of the Mantis Shrimp, once again we found ourselves on the 80 minute shore dive in Mexico to find the him again. Last year, we caught a glimpse of him in our Elusive Mantis Shrimp video. This little guy will come out and feed for a …

scuba diving with wild dolphins

Scuba Diving with Wild Dolphins

Hurricane Matthew is approaching and supposed to hit us tomorrow. The truck in front of us swerves over to the side of the road, just off Bonaire’s Bachelor Beach, near Lighthouse Point. “Fins” shouted as our dive buddies pile out of the truck to take a closer look. We run to the edge of the …

Queen Conch and Scuba Diver

Diving With a Queen Conch

Shallow dives are rarely a let-down. Whether diving in the cold lakes of the Rocky Mountains with Bluegill and, Trout and Bass, or the warm regions surrounding the Equator, I always find something interesting in the shallows. After a deeper dive, the long swim back to shore has brought sightings of Goby, Razorfish, and Porcupinefish …